Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Once again, CNY's a time-wasting affair. Okay, that probably makes me sound unfilial, but seriously, I could use the time spent visiting on better things, such as studying for my upcoming midterms.
It was the usual sitting-around-trying-not-to-look-bored-and-appearing-interested-in-the-relatives'-conversations routine. Luckily, I also had the company of the bf through smses! (:
But the visiting wasn't without its benefit. After catching snippets of conversations between my mother and my aunts/cousins etc, it made me more determined to actually try for honours when I had already decided more or less to give it up. (Afterall, it seems so out of reach for me! :( So why torture myself over it right?) Looking back, I think the me now is so much different from 5 years ago, when I enjoyed studying. But somehow things changed when I entered junior college. I guess it's partly the lack of self-discipline, but also because I no longer feel the passion for studying. And to tell the truth, it seriously irks me wehn people talk to me about doing honours. I mean, ultimately it's still my decision and nagging me won't change a damn thing. But having decided to at least try for it, I feel much better now. Haha.
Another thing worth mentioning was that I spent the second day of CNY with the darling and his family. We went for a movie (Protege) and dinner following that. Fun!
Anyway, guess that'll be all for now. Till then, tata~
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!Vday this year was a special one, since I got to spend it with the bf. I still remembered last year this time when he was stuck out there in some jungle and I missed him like hell then! BUTBUTBUT the day was kind of spoilt by this class test I had to sit for in the evening. -_- Nevertheless, it was still enjoyable meeting up with the darling albeit the short time spent together.
*Love ya many many!
-Thanks for always being there - you mean the world to me. (:
The comfy heart cushion he gave me!
The rocher bouquet I made for him (among other items in the gift I prepared for him, that is!). My debut try. Haha.
Loved. <3
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Aha the darling ORD-ed! Like finally. *dances around in joy* But now, it seems like our situations have reversed: He's darn free everyday while I've school. -_-|| Oh well. Despite that, I guess it's good that he has ORD-ed so I can meet him whenever I want to, when I've the time. Yups, enough about that.
Anyway, the other thing that I really want to blog about was the trip to Waseda Shibuya High School this afternoon as part of our Jap project work. Firstly, we were separated into small groups and our guides - the Waseda students, showed us around their school. Despite it being a little small, it seems well-facilitated. After the school tour, it was quiz and chatting time with the students. Although there was some language barrier (the students were supposed to converse with us in English but they apparently found it hard at times whereas when they used Japanese occasionally with us, we found it hard to understand them -_-||), it was nonetheless an enjoyable and informative experience. Looking forward to seeing them next week when it's our turn to show them around NUS! Yup, I'll let the pictures do the talking from here on. Enjoy~
My project mates and I - taken in their air-conditioned canteen.
The girls who performed the traditional tea ceremony - Chado.
Our tour guides - Hitoshi-kun and Hiroki-kun. (:
Group picture! (:
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Met the darling to catch Perfume today. Our very first R21 movie! Haha. He was quite excited at the prospect of being able to watch movies in that category, which of course goes with the territory of being 21 years old.
To sidetrack a little, Singapore won the ASEAN Cup! Felt so proud of the team although I'm not a big fan of football.
Anyway back to the topic at hand. I happened to run into my JC civics tutor Mrs Lofthouse (also known affectionately as "Lofty") and her husband at Lido, whom I haven't seen for about three years since I graduated. She still looks the same, and it made me realise I should probably go back to TJ one of these days to visit her or something, if she's still teaching there, that is. Oh ya, I also made my new specs today! For some unfathomable reason, I'm quite excited about it. At first I wanted to go for those really geeky black-rimmed ones, but I settled on this red-rimmed pair instead. Will post the picture up when I collect it. (: (XW: Wahaha if you're reading this, aren't you feeling horrified now? Lol.)
Somehow it always amazes me how I'd look forward to everytime we meet, no matter what we have decided to do. I mean, people always say that a relationship cools down when two people have been together long enough (we're well on our way to our second anniv) but something as simple as just meeting up to have a meal or slack around would make my day. It's like we can have so much fun together, being at ease in each other's presence, and being able to talk about basically anything. He's always my sounding board and listening ear - I realise I always think of him first whenever I want to share about my day and things that I encountered etc. Guess I feel blessed and thankful to have him around. Just want to say this to the darling: Love ya! (:
Anyway, that'll be all for now. Till then, tata~
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Hello world. I know I've been MIA-ing for a while, but I'm kind of pressed for time - too many things to do and too little time to accomplish them. Been wanting to blog about the 21st birthday party, but I'm still waiting for the photos. Patience is indeed a virtue. But I'll try my utmost to get everything done and posted up when I've the time, and when I receive all the pics, that is. More backlog beckoning. Haha.
This haitus has seen me quite busy and broke - I've 21st birthday parties to attend every weekend in January (luckily that's died down), and besides that, how can I forget the much lamented school. Thinking back, I realised there were a lot of things I should have tried to do although I wasn't ensured of a favourable outcome. Seeing how most of my friends are going on exchange really makes me so darn envious and quite angry with myself for not even trying. I mean, I wasn't guaranteed a place even if I had applied, but at least I would have tried. Quite laugable, actually, to always start regretting when you know there's no way to turn back time and try again. I guess I'm never going to stop this cycle of wanting something so marginally badly and yet backing out at the last instance by making lame excuses to myself - I've no money, it's too much of a hassle, my results aren't good enough, I can't bear to leave the darling behind for a semester etc. At the end of it, I just don't have the courage to venture beyond my comfort zone, do I?
No point dwelling on all that now, since application's closed. You might ask, I can always try when the next application comes along, but it'll be too late by then - I don't satisfy the criteria if I'm graduating in two more sems. Which I guess is part of the reason I want to at least go Japan for homestay. Of course, it's not even marginally equivalent to SEP, but at least it's better than nothing. If not, I can always go on summer prog as well. But the homestay appeals more to me.
Anyway, please just go and fulfill your dreams lest you want to end up with nothing but a meaningless life filled with regrets. Till then, tata~
Tuesday, February 20, 2007
Once again, CNY's a time-wasting affair. Okay, that probably makes me sound unfilial, but seriously, I could use the time spent visiting on better things, such as studying for my upcoming midterms.
It was the usual sitting-around-trying-not-to-look-bored-and-appearing-interested-in-the-relatives'-conversations routine. Luckily, I also had the company of the bf through smses! (:
But the visiting wasn't without its benefit. After catching snippets of conversations between my mother and my aunts/cousins etc, it made me more determined to actually try for honours when I had already decided more or less to give it up. (Afterall, it seems so out of reach for me! :( So why torture myself over it right?) Looking back, I think the me now is so much different from 5 years ago, when I enjoyed studying. But somehow things changed when I entered junior college. I guess it's partly the lack of self-discipline, but also because I no longer feel the passion for studying. And to tell the truth, it seriously irks me wehn people talk to me about doing honours. I mean, ultimately it's still my decision and nagging me won't change a damn thing. But having decided to at least try for it, I feel much better now. Haha.
Another thing worth mentioning was that I spent the second day of CNY with the darling and his family. We went for a movie (Protege) and dinner following that. Fun!
Anyway, guess that'll be all for now. Till then, tata~
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY!Vday this year was a special one, since I got to spend it with the bf. I still remembered last year this time when he was stuck out there in some jungle and I missed him like hell then! BUTBUTBUT the day was kind of spoilt by this class test I had to sit for in the evening. -_- Nevertheless, it was still enjoyable meeting up with the darling albeit the short time spent together.
*Love ya many many!
-Thanks for always being there - you mean the world to me. (:
The comfy heart cushion he gave me!
The rocher bouquet I made for him (among other items in the gift I prepared for him, that is!). My debut try. Haha.
Loved. <3
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Aha the darling ORD-ed! Like finally. *dances around in joy* But now, it seems like our situations have reversed: He's darn free everyday while I've school. -_-|| Oh well. Despite that, I guess it's good that he has ORD-ed so I can meet him whenever I want to, when I've the time. Yups, enough about that.
Anyway, the other thing that I really want to blog about was the trip to Waseda Shibuya High School this afternoon as part of our Jap project work. Firstly, we were separated into small groups and our guides - the Waseda students, showed us around their school. Despite it being a little small, it seems well-facilitated. After the school tour, it was quiz and chatting time with the students. Although there was some language barrier (the students were supposed to converse with us in English but they apparently found it hard at times whereas when they used Japanese occasionally with us, we found it hard to understand them -_-||), it was nonetheless an enjoyable and informative experience. Looking forward to seeing them next week when it's our turn to show them around NUS! Yup, I'll let the pictures do the talking from here on. Enjoy~
My project mates and I - taken in their air-conditioned canteen.
The girls who performed the traditional tea ceremony - Chado.
Our tour guides - Hitoshi-kun and Hiroki-kun. (:
Group picture! (:
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Met the darling to catch Perfume today. Our very first R21 movie! Haha. He was quite excited at the prospect of being able to watch movies in that category, which of course goes with the territory of being 21 years old.
To sidetrack a little, Singapore won the ASEAN Cup! Felt so proud of the team although I'm not a big fan of football.
Anyway back to the topic at hand. I happened to run into my JC civics tutor Mrs Lofthouse (also known affectionately as "Lofty") and her husband at Lido, whom I haven't seen for about three years since I graduated. She still looks the same, and it made me realise I should probably go back to TJ one of these days to visit her or something, if she's still teaching there, that is. Oh ya, I also made my new specs today! For some unfathomable reason, I'm quite excited about it. At first I wanted to go for those really geeky black-rimmed ones, but I settled on this red-rimmed pair instead. Will post the picture up when I collect it. (: (XW: Wahaha if you're reading this, aren't you feeling horrified now? Lol.)
Somehow it always amazes me how I'd look forward to everytime we meet, no matter what we have decided to do. I mean, people always say that a relationship cools down when two people have been together long enough (we're well on our way to our second anniv) but something as simple as just meeting up to have a meal or slack around would make my day. It's like we can have so much fun together, being at ease in each other's presence, and being able to talk about basically anything. He's always my sounding board and listening ear - I realise I always think of him first whenever I want to share about my day and things that I encountered etc. Guess I feel blessed and thankful to have him around. Just want to say this to the darling: Love ya! (:
Anyway, that'll be all for now. Till then, tata~
Saturday, February 03, 2007
Hello world. I know I've been MIA-ing for a while, but I'm kind of pressed for time - too many things to do and too little time to accomplish them. Been wanting to blog about the 21st birthday party, but I'm still waiting for the photos. Patience is indeed a virtue. But I'll try my utmost to get everything done and posted up when I've the time, and when I receive all the pics, that is. More backlog beckoning. Haha.
This haitus has seen me quite busy and broke - I've 21st birthday parties to attend every weekend in January (luckily that's died down), and besides that, how can I forget the much lamented school. Thinking back, I realised there were a lot of things I should have tried to do although I wasn't ensured of a favourable outcome. Seeing how most of my friends are going on exchange really makes me so darn envious and quite angry with myself for not even trying. I mean, I wasn't guaranteed a place even if I had applied, but at least I would have tried. Quite laugable, actually, to always start regretting when you know there's no way to turn back time and try again. I guess I'm never going to stop this cycle of wanting something so marginally badly and yet backing out at the last instance by making lame excuses to myself - I've no money, it's too much of a hassle, my results aren't good enough, I can't bear to leave the darling behind for a semester etc. At the end of it, I just don't have the courage to venture beyond my comfort zone, do I?
No point dwelling on all that now, since application's closed. You might ask, I can always try when the next application comes along, but it'll be too late by then - I don't satisfy the criteria if I'm graduating in two more sems. Which I guess is part of the reason I want to at least go Japan for homestay. Of course, it's not even marginally equivalent to SEP, but at least it's better than nothing. If not, I can always go on summer prog as well. But the homestay appeals more to me.
Anyway, please just go and fulfill your dreams lest you want to end up with nothing but a meaningless life filled with regrets. Till then, tata~