Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Sometimes I wish I could split myself into three parts - the student me, the tutor me, and the girlfriend me.
There are only 24 hours in a day. People always say that as long as you manage your time well, you should't have any problems. Well, I admit, I suck at time management. And I also suck at multi-tasking. Sometimes, when I'm rushing for tuition immediately after school, I found myself thinking why I'm trying so hard, and spreading myself so thin that I just feel plain exhuasted. I'm not blaming anybody (except maybe myself), but I just can't fathom why. And looking at the readings and tutorials piling up, I just feel depressed. I've tried, you know. I've really tried - to catch up with my work, manage my time better, stay on top of things. But it's a never-ending cycle. I'm still trying though.
But sometimes, just sometimes, I wish I could discard everything and run away.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
I'm a bad girl because I skipped school today.
And my reason (okayyyy, excuse) was that I wanted to stay at home to do the swapping for one of my tutorials. I know that's not a very valid excuse, but I don't see the point of attending the econs lecture on what we had already learnt (JC stats) and besides, I'm too lazy to go all the way down to Science fac for my consecutive computing module for two hours and then go baack home again - the journey to and fro home and school takes two hours as well, so I wasn't really feeling very enthusiastic about travelling down. Hence, I stayed at home and stoned in front of the computer screen for three hours, wishing and praying that some kind soul would want to swap the tutorial slot that I wanted with me.
Alas, it was all empty waiting and time wasted. -.-
So, in order to lessen my guilt over skipping two lectures today, I promised myself I'll make good use of the time to study. (And yes, I'll do that soon. Hurhur.) Yes, I know I'm a big procrastinator.
And since we're on the subject of school, things are fine - except that readings are piling up like nobody's business. AND YOU'RE SERIOUSLY MISTAKEN IF YOU THINK TAKING A NON-EXAMINABLE MODULE'S A PIECE OF CAKE. It is not. Trust me. I'm saying this because I just had my first taste of this non-examinable module that I'm taking yesterday. It's called evaluating academic arguments - it introduces students to...concepts in informal logic...so that they will be able to evaluate as well as write logical responses to materials read in various disciplines... So, the silly me thought it seemed like an easy module. Or maybe I'm just plain dumb. Anyway, like I said, it was mind-boggling and kind of abstract. But like what the lecturer mentioned several times, what we are learning here will be very useful. I just hope that I can survive another 11 more weeks of this.
So, guess I'll just end off for now. I'm in a jolly good mood. Don't ask me why. Till then, tata~ (:
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Feeling less and less inclined to blog, but anyway, just thought I'd update a little since it's my free day off today. As you probably know, school has already started, and surprisingly, I feel quite good about returning to school again, minus long bus rides, mumbling lecturers, talkative lecture mates and strict rules. And taking lectures with you stresses me so much that I wish I had taken it alone after all.
As for this semeser, I've made myself a new resolution, and I'm determined to keep it, the reason being that I no longer wish to drop into that never-ending spiral of untouched readings, insufficient time and a lot of anxiety and frustration. Think I should have learnt my lessons from the two previous sems. I cannot continue the way as I did lest I want to drop into that abyss again - something so void of hope and all I can see is only darkness and my own misery. I realise it's up to me if I want to do well, because no one'll be able to help me.
Well, that'll be all for now. Will update again the next time I feel like it. Ciao.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Usually, National Day'll pass by uneventfully but this year, it has been extremely meaningful because I not only went for the preview, but also the actual parade itself. Being there at the stadium with 55000 people surrounding you as you sing the anthem and all those national day songs made it an especially memorable national day. The fireworks were so spectacular! So I'm glad that I went to the parade! (:
On another note, school's starting next week. Not really looking forward to it but guess I don't have a choice. Before and during the process of bidding, I often wonder if people are really that scared of loneliness. Like, most people I speak to cannot really decide on the modules they want to take because they simply do not want to take any modules alone. I admit that it can be quite scary if you have to take some module alone, but it can also be a good chance for you to get to know other people and to step out of your comfort zone. So I guess I'll just keep telling myself that when I take some cross-faculty module by myself then. No big deal right? I'll just pretend to be sociable, like I always do when I was working as a promoter and meeting all sorts of customers. It's not always easy to take that first step to get to know people, but after you've done so, it's usually for the better, isn't it? I sure hope so. Hurhur.
Ok, shall end here for now. Gonna be meeting the boyfriend later for a tanning session at Sentosa. Can't wait! (:
P/S: HM, stay strong k. Remember I'll always be here with a listening ear if you need one. Take care my dear friend!
about ♥
.temperamental ; perfectionist ; daydreamer
.a lady that is striving to do well in her life
.who is learning to be a better person
.who wakes up and learns to be thankful for her blessings
Tuesday, August 29, 2006
Sometimes I wish I could split myself into three parts - the student me, the tutor me, and the girlfriend me.
There are only 24 hours in a day. People always say that as long as you manage your time well, you should't have any problems. Well, I admit, I suck at time management. And I also suck at multi-tasking. Sometimes, when I'm rushing for tuition immediately after school, I found myself thinking why I'm trying so hard, and spreading myself so thin that I just feel plain exhuasted. I'm not blaming anybody (except maybe myself), but I just can't fathom why. And looking at the readings and tutorials piling up, I just feel depressed. I've tried, you know. I've really tried - to catch up with my work, manage my time better, stay on top of things. But it's a never-ending cycle. I'm still trying though.
But sometimes, just sometimes, I wish I could discard everything and run away.
Wednesday, August 23, 2006
I'm a bad girl because I skipped school today.
And my reason (okayyyy, excuse) was that I wanted to stay at home to do the swapping for one of my tutorials. I know that's not a very valid excuse, but I don't see the point of attending the econs lecture on what we had already learnt (JC stats) and besides, I'm too lazy to go all the way down to Science fac for my consecutive computing module for two hours and then go baack home again - the journey to and fro home and school takes two hours as well, so I wasn't really feeling very enthusiastic about travelling down. Hence, I stayed at home and stoned in front of the computer screen for three hours, wishing and praying that some kind soul would want to swap the tutorial slot that I wanted with me.
Alas, it was all empty waiting and time wasted. -.-
So, in order to lessen my guilt over skipping two lectures today, I promised myself I'll make good use of the time to study. (And yes, I'll do that soon. Hurhur.) Yes, I know I'm a big procrastinator.
And since we're on the subject of school, things are fine - except that readings are piling up like nobody's business. AND YOU'RE SERIOUSLY MISTAKEN IF YOU THINK TAKING A NON-EXAMINABLE MODULE'S A PIECE OF CAKE. It is not. Trust me. I'm saying this because I just had my first taste of this non-examinable module that I'm taking yesterday. It's called evaluating academic arguments - it introduces students to...concepts in informal logic...so that they will be able to evaluate as well as write logical responses to materials read in various disciplines... So, the silly me thought it seemed like an easy module. Or maybe I'm just plain dumb. Anyway, like I said, it was mind-boggling and kind of abstract. But like what the lecturer mentioned several times, what we are learning here will be very useful. I just hope that I can survive another 11 more weeks of this.
So, guess I'll just end off for now. I'm in a jolly good mood. Don't ask me why. Till then, tata~ (:
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Feeling less and less inclined to blog, but anyway, just thought I'd update a little since it's my free day off today. As you probably know, school has already started, and surprisingly, I feel quite good about returning to school again, minus long bus rides, mumbling lecturers, talkative lecture mates and strict rules. And taking lectures with you stresses me so much that I wish I had taken it alone after all.
As for this semeser, I've made myself a new resolution, and I'm determined to keep it, the reason being that I no longer wish to drop into that never-ending spiral of untouched readings, insufficient time and a lot of anxiety and frustration. Think I should have learnt my lessons from the two previous sems. I cannot continue the way as I did lest I want to drop into that abyss again - something so void of hope and all I can see is only darkness and my own misery. I realise it's up to me if I want to do well, because no one'll be able to help me.
Well, that'll be all for now. Will update again the next time I feel like it. Ciao.
Thursday, August 10, 2006
Usually, National Day'll pass by uneventfully but this year, it has been extremely meaningful because I not only went for the preview, but also the actual parade itself. Being there at the stadium with 55000 people surrounding you as you sing the anthem and all those national day songs made it an especially memorable national day. The fireworks were so spectacular! So I'm glad that I went to the parade! (:
On another note, school's starting next week. Not really looking forward to it but guess I don't have a choice. Before and during the process of bidding, I often wonder if people are really that scared of loneliness. Like, most people I speak to cannot really decide on the modules they want to take because they simply do not want to take any modules alone. I admit that it can be quite scary if you have to take some module alone, but it can also be a good chance for you to get to know other people and to step out of your comfort zone. So I guess I'll just keep telling myself that when I take some cross-faculty module by myself then. No big deal right? I'll just pretend to be sociable, like I always do when I was working as a promoter and meeting all sorts of customers. It's not always easy to take that first step to get to know people, but after you've done so, it's usually for the better, isn't it? I sure hope so. Hurhur.
Ok, shall end here for now. Gonna be meeting the boyfriend later for a tanning session at Sentosa. Can't wait! (:
P/S: HM, stay strong k. Remember I'll always be here with a listening ear if you need one. Take care my dear friend!